This film had the UK premiere on 25th October 2006 in London's Leicester Square. I was invited to be one of Borat's 30 "family "members" to parade through the streets of London towards the Odeon Cinema. Before the parade we camped in the nearby night-club where we were made up and met Sacha Baron Cohen, who talked individually to each "member of his family". I must confess I didn't find him as amusing as people know him from the screen. As soon as we met he asked me to shave my beard, so I told him I won't as my facial hair belonged to the American film  producers filming a new film Fred Claus (to be released in November 2007). Also,  I asked him why does he use phrases like DYEKUEE and YAK SEH MASH as these expressions are Czech and nothing to do with Kazachstan; he definitely didn't feel at ease and adopted an unpleasant attitude. When I talked to my fellow peasants I overhead Sacha saying, that the chap with the beard should be dropped from the parade. I confronted him to which he reacted with complete silence. Well, he may be big and famous but he is definitely not in my good books. However, to give him some credit, he was happy to give me his autograph (as Ali G). And I was parading with my fellow peasants regardless.....

Leicester Square, London

                        Getting ready for the parade                 Catherine Mobley - Zubaidah Dancer        This man-lady was supposed to carry Borat


                We arrived outside the Odeon Cinema              Singing Kazachstan National Anthem                        Borat with the "girls"